St Paul's with St Mary's Wooburn

Charity Support

It is the policy of our parish to give away at least 5% of all collections to charity:

Matthew 6:19-21 "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be."

Our Church family currently supports the following charities:-

Wycombe Homeless Connection

You could say we fight injustice. Or you could say we help individuals overcome the housing shortage, the unintended consequences of government policies, unwise life choices, poverty, poor health, bad upbringing, complex bureaucracy … it’s quite a list.

Either way: with the help of a small dedicated staff and an army of local volunteers, we help homeless people overcome the obstacles they face in finding or keeping accommodation and achieving stability.

We believe that every homeless individual in High Wycombe has worth and should have the chance of a fresh start, no matter what their situation. That’s why we treat every homeless person we meet with dignity and respect, and our staff and volunteers go the second mile to provide support. Our work is built on the support of the local community.

We focus on those who do not qualify for housing help from the council.

Eco Church

eco church banner

Eco Church is ‘A Rocha UK’s’ award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

It is both a response to the biblical mandate to care for the earth, and a demonstration of the Christian hope for God’s world.

EcoChurch covers all areas of church life: Worship and Teaching; Management of Church Buildings and Land; Community and Global Engagement; and Lifestyle.  As such, it challenges churches to act in respect of the songs they sing and of the food they serve; of the energy they use and of the ethics of their investments; of the wildlife that finds a home on their land and of the water that flushes their loos; and so on… 


The Walk Children's Church,Nakuru, Kenya 

We are working with the Walk Centre a UK registered charity (UK registered charity number 1129576) which provides grants to The Walk Children’s Church in Nakuru, Kenya which helps slum-dwelling children and their families by providing education, healthcare and food aid.

To find out more about what they do please explore their website site further.

As well as helping with the charity's many projects we aim to provide girls with handmade dresses and boys with handmade shorts and all children with hats. Please go to the web-site below for details of the forthcoming workshops :

Read more:

One Can Trust

We have a collection point for the One Can Trust at St. Paul's Church, or deliver yourself to their warehouse at 11B Duke Street, High Wycombe, HP13 6EB

One Can Trust seeks to develop community based projects, drawing together people from many different backgrounds, of all faiths or none to solve the issues of inequality and poverty.